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阿尔戈斯国王阿克里西俄斯是许泊涅斯特拉的孙子。他的女儿达那厄非常美丽。他对女儿如此宠爱, 因此在丧妻之后他决定不再另娶。但是一天来自特尔斐城的一个先知者预言他将死在达那厄儿子的手上。他感到很沮丧, 突然之间爱转变成恐惧与仇恨。为了避免灾难的发生, 他建造了一座高高的铜塔, 把达那厄和她的佣人关在里面。只有他有塔的钥匙。塔顶留有开口, 达那厄只能从这里偶尔看看蓝天。在一个阳光明媚的早晨, 看到晴朗的蓝天。她感到孩子般的喜悦并渴望自由。金色的阳光透过敞开的塔顶倾泻下来将她笼罩。幸福的暖流传遍她的全身。站在她面前的是宇宙之王宙斯。他辉煌伟大, 赢得了她的心。 Some time later, a guard came rushing into King Acrisius' palace and told the astonished king that Danae had given birth toa son. The baby was called Perseus. Acrisius decided that both mother and son must die if he wanted to live himself. Very soon he had a great chest built, where he put Danae and her son, and then set it adrift on the sea . Answering the sad prayers of the poor mother, Zeus had the chest swept onto the land of the Seriphos. Polydectes, king of the country, treated them at first with kindness, but afterwards with cruelty. When Perseus was grown up, Polydectes sent him to kill Medusa. 过了一段时间, 一名卫士急匆匆地来到国王阿克里西俄斯的王宫。惊讶的国王被告知达那厄生下了一个儿子, 名叫柏修斯。阿克里西俄斯当即决定母子俩都得死, 这样他才能保住性命。很快他就令人做了一只大箱子, 把达那厄母子俩关在里面, 并把他们扔到海里漂流。这位可怜的母亲的祈祷得到了宙斯的回应。宙斯让箱子漂到赛瑞费斯国。该国国王波吕得克忒斯先是友好地招待他们, 后来却变得残忍无情。柏修斯长大成人后, 波吕得克忒斯派他去杀墨杜萨。 Medusa had been a beautiful maiden, but as she once violated Athena' s temple in Lybia the goddess changed her beautifulhair into snakes and her body into that of a monster. So ugly and terrible was she that anyone looking on her face was immediatelyturned to stone. But Athena and other gods came to help Perseus. Athena lent him her brightly polished shield in which she warned him to look at the reflection of Medusa only; Hades gave him his helmet which made its wearer invisible; and Hermesoffered him his winged shoes so that he could travel fast overlong distances. From the gods he also took a sword and a magic wallet. 墨杜萨曾是一位美丽少女。但是因她亵渎了雅典娜在利比尔的神殿, 女神就把它的美发变成了蛇, 她的身体也成了怪物的体态。她丑陋狰狞, 任何人只要看到她的面孔就会立即变成石头。雅典娜和其他的神向柏修斯伸出了救援的手。雅典娜借给他闪亮的盾。她警告他只能看墨杜萨映在上面的像。哈得斯借给他隐身盔甲; 海尔墨斯为他提供带翼鞋, 穿上它就能快步如飞。从神那里还得到了剑和魔袋。 Acting on the advice of Athena, Perseus travelled west and first sought out the three grey women, known as the Graeae whok new the whereabouts of Medusa. These women had one toothand one eye between them, so Perseus grabbed the tooth and theeye from them and forced them to tell him the truth. This the grey women did, and one night while flying across the sky theyoung man found Medusa sleeping on a rock. Flying down, hestruck off the head of Medusa and turned back to the land where he had left his mother. 遵照雅典娜的忠告, 柏修斯向西走, 他首先找到了格赖埃三姐妹。她们知道墨杜萨的行踪。这三位妇人共用一颗牙, 一只眼。于是, 柏修斯抓着他们的牙和眼, 强迫她们道出实情。一天晚上, 年轻人飞越天空时, 他发现了在岩石上睡觉的墨杜萨。他飞下去砍掉了墨杜萨的头。然后转身走向与母亲告别的地方。
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