其它·古希腊神话 - Pan潘

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  潘的父母是谁一直是一个有争议的问题。但是大多数希腊神话作者都认为他是海尔墨斯与可爱的仙子珀湟罗珀之子。潘是一头冷酷、浑身长满毛的乡间野兽, 上半身为人, 下半身为山羊。他和其它的森林之神及仙女在山林之间闲游, 过着完全无拘无束的生活。潘被尊为山林和田园之神, 具有预言的能力。他代表着自然和乡村生活, 以前他被奉为一位善良、正直神圣的神。

   Pan had a strong desire for women. At one time he loved acharming maiden, Syrinx, but to his disappointment his love was not returned. One day Syrinx left Pan with a fearful step , which lighted Pan's love all the more. He ran after her and was almost overtaking her when she was turned, at her own request, into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth . Pan wept bitterly at the change. Sadly he picked some pieces of the reeds and fashtoned apipe . He played so sweetly on it that Apollo was helpless before him.

  潘对女人有一种强烈的欲望。一次他爱上了一位迷人少女, 西瑞克斯。然而令他失望的是, 他的爱情没有得到回报。一天西瑞克斯恐惧地逃离潘, 结果却使潘的爱情之火更为炽热。潘追逐着西瑞克斯, 他几乎赶上了她。这时在西瑞克斯的请求下, 大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。面对此变, 潘放声恸哭。悲哀之中, 潘采折了一丛芦苇, 制成一支风笛。他吹得如此悦耳, 就连阿波罗也无法比得上。

   At the time of the battle of Marathon Pan met the Athenian messenger to Sparta . He asked the man to say to the Athenians that, although they did not like him, he still felt kindlytowards them and would aid them in their difficulties. When fighting against enemies went on near Marathon, the Athenians were surprised to see that the Persian soldiers were suddenly seized with a mysterious fear and ran away from the field in disorder. The great Pan had struck into the hearts of the Persians a kind of fear. The fear has been ever since known as panic . After the war the Athenians gratefully dedicated a temple to Pan . The sacrifices and games were held in his honour.

  在马拉松战争时期, 潘遇见了前往斯巴达的信使。他请求信使转告雅典人: 尽管雅典人并不喜欢他, 他仍旧愿意友好地对待他们, 愿意在他们的困难时期给予帮助。雅典人在马拉松附近与敌人作战时, 惊奇地发现波斯士兵突然被一种莫名的恐惧所笼罩, 他们混乱地逃离战地。原来伟大的潘给波斯士兵的内心注入了一种恐惧。自此之后, 这种恐惧周知为恐慌。战后雅典人满怀感激之情建了一座神庙献给潘, 将祭品和猎物敬献给他以示尊敬。

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其它·古希腊神话 - Pan潘