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波塞冬是喀琅娜斯与洛伊之子, 宙斯之兄。与泰坦的战争结束之后, 波塞冬成为伟大而威严的海之神, 掌管环绕大陆的所有水域。人们认为他的权力仅次于宙斯。他用令人战栗的地动山摇来统治他的王国。他有呼风之术, 并且能够掀起或是平息狂暴的大海。手持三叉戟, 他坐在铜蹄金髦马驾的车里掠过海浪。尽管他在奥林波斯山有一席之地, 但是大部分时间他都住在海洋深处他的灿烂夺目的金色宫殿里。 Poseidon was ambitious and aggressive . Unhappy with the part of power given to him, he planned to throw down Zeus from his high position. The plan did not come off, and he was senta way to serve a human being on earth. with the help of Apollo he built the famous walls of Troy for king Laomed on. On one occasion he argued with Athena over the naming of the new city Athens and was forced to give in to the goddess of wisdom. On another he entered into a bitter dispute with Apollo over the king of Corinth and won the case in the end. 波塞冬野心勃勃, 而且好战。不满足于他所拥有的权力, 他密谋把宙斯从他的宝座上赶下来。阴谋没有得逞, 他被赶往人间服侍一位凡人。在阿波罗的帮助下, 他替拉俄塞冬国王修筑了著名的特洛伊城墙。一次他和雅典娜就新城雅典起名之事争吵, 最后被迫向智慧女神让步。另一次他因科林斯的国王之故与阿波罗激烈争吵, 最后以胜利告终。 Poseidon's loves produced strange children. His wife bore him the children who were half man and half-fish in form. When Demeter did not like his attention and changed herself into ahorse, shameless Poseidon turned himself into a horse to continue his seeking. Out of their love a wonderful horse, Arion byname, was born. This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in Greece. Poseidon robbed The ophane, a beautiful maiden, and taking her to an island, changed her into a sheep and himself into a ram. As a result the golden-fleeced ram came into being. 波塞冬的爱情为他带来了奇怪的子女, 他的妻子给他生下半人半鱼的子女。得墨特尔不喜欢波塞冬对她的注意, 就变成一匹马, 不知羞耻的波塞冬也变成一匹马, 继续追求她。一匹骏马, 名为阿瑞翁, 是他们的爱情之果。这匹马能够说话, 在希腊的所有马拉车大赛中必定独占鳌头。波塞冬还抢走了美丽的少女忒尔菲, 把她掳到一个岛上, 使她变成一只绵羊, 他自己变成一只公羊。结果长有金色羊毛的公羊就出现了。
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