其它·古希腊神话 - Apollo阿波罗

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  在众多的奥林波斯山神中, 主神宙斯和雷托之子阿波罗最受推崇。据希腊神话记载, 雷托被天后赫拉驱赶得四处流浪。最终是海神波塞冬怜悯她并从海中捞起提落岛让她居住。在岛上, 她生了孪生儿子阿波罗和阿尔特弥斯。

   Apollo was me sun-god. He wore a purple robe. He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky. During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.

  阿波罗是太阳神。清晨他身着紫色袍, 坐在那明亮的东方宫殿, 准备开始每日穿越天空的旅行。白天, 他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车, 给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、生命和仁爱。黄昏时分, 他在遥远的西海结束了旅行, 然后就乘上金船返回东方的家中。

   Apollo was the god of music and poetry. He could stir up all feelings. These feelings are expressed in lofty songs. With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus. The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy. On one occasion, invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas, he won and then flayed him to death for his pride. On another occasion, he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge, King Midas, into those of an ass.

  阿波罗是音乐神和诗神。他可唤起人们倾注于圣歌中的各种情感。在奥林波斯山上, 他手拿金质里拉, 用悦耳的音调指挥缪斯的合唱。当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时, 里拉奏出的音乐如此动听, 以致石头有节奏地、自动地各就其位。有一次他接受凡人音乐家马斯亚斯的挑战参加一次竞赛。战胜对方后, 他将对手剥皮致死以惩罚他的狂妄自大。在另外一次音乐比赛中, 因输给了潘神, 他就将裁判迈尔斯国王的耳朵变成了驴耳朵。

   His son, Orpheus, took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.


   Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty. His goldenhair, stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world. A beautiful girl, by the name of Clytle, was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground, her hands outstretched towards the sungod, and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky. Though her love was not returned, she had never changed her mind about Apollo. The gods were moved at the sad sight, and changed her into a sunflower.

  阿波罗象征着青春和男子汉的美。金色的头发、庄重的举止、容光焕发的神态, 这些足以使他受到世人的青睐。一位名叫克里提的美丽少女迷恋于他的英俊潇洒, 跪在地上, 从黎明到黄昏, 双手伸向太阳神。她凝视着那辆金质马车在蔚蓝的天空驰骋。虽然她的爱并未得到回报, 但她对阿波罗的痴情却从未改变。目睹这悲哀的场面, 众神深受感动, 将她变成了一株向日葵。

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其它·古希腊神话 - Apollo阿波罗