其它·古希腊神话 - The Four Ages四个时代

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  人类产生以来经历了四个时代: 黄金时代、白银时代、青铜时代、铁器时代。黄金时代最为美好。克鲁娜斯坐在御座上。慷慨的大自然满足了人类的一切要求。没有严寒酷暑。人间的不幸被拘禁在桶中。这只桶由厄庇墨透斯保管, 而潘多拉还没有出世来打开桶盖。人们生活美满, 青春永存。他们常常举行盛宴, 大吃大喝, 而对艰辛与悲哀一概不知。死亡的来临犹如酣睡, 死后他们变成精灵升入天堂。

   The Silver Age was one in which the human race was somewhat less valuable in body and mind. The period was of helpless be ginning. It lasted a hundred years. And it was the time of manhood, short and troubled. Men spent in ignorance and evil. They no longer admired the gods and offered no sacrifices. However, as the race of the Silver Age was not entirely lack of goodness, they had some honour and lived on as spirits under the earth.

  在白银时代, 人类在体力与智力方面感觉欠佳。这种孤弱的开端延续百年。人类在愚昧与不幸中度过了这一短暂而焦虑的成年期。他们不再崇拜天神, 也不再献祭。好在白银时代的人类并非一点美德也不具备。他们有廉耻之心, 他们死后作为神灵继续在阴间生活。

   During the age of Bronze men became further degenerated . Dressed in bronze and armed with weapons of bronze, they live din the houses of bronze. Cruel and heartless, they delighted inwar and died in endless struggle. When they passed away, they came into the darkness of the lower world.

  在青铜时代, 人类更加堕落。身着青铜盔甲, 手握青铜兵器, 住在青铜铸造的房中。他们残忍无情, 尚武好战, 最终在无止尽的战争中消亡。死时, 他们降临阴间。

   The last age, that of Iron, was one of continual care and grief. There was no family love, no sense of respectful duty, no friend ship and hospitality. Nor was there any faith, truth and justice. Evil was widespread, might was right, and the flames of war burnt the surface of the earth. It was a race of men given up by gods .

  最后一个时代--铁器时代, 这是一个持续烦恼与悲伤的时代。没有亲人的爱, 没有孝顺长辈的责任感, 没有友谊, 没有礼仪, 更没有信仰、真理与正义。罪恶四处蔓延, 强权即公理。战火烧焦了地球的表面。天神摒弃了人类。

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其它·古希腊神话 - The Four Ages四个时代